Hitachi TM-4000XL Tabletop SEM
The Hitachi Tabletop Microscope, SEM, is the perfect imaging platform for any Light Microscope lab needing higher resolution. Requiring no EM technical skills or sample preparation, the TM-4000 series can be used by anyone able to use a digital camera. It's that easy!
Surface morphology is shown in stereoscopic detail with images in contrast due to different average atomic number composition within the sample. It provides a real alternative to optical microscopes, stereo microscopes and confocal laser scanning microscopes. It has applications for many sectors including life science, food, cosmetics, healthcare, pharmaceutical, textiles, materials science, semiconductor and education.
TM-4000XL specifications:
- 65x65mm Electronic Traverse
- Detector: BSE, SE, UVD, BSE/SE MIX
- Camera-Navi. Touch and Go function Motorized Stage
- Ability to add Customizable Sample Holders
- NaviGo Software
- Ability to add tilt/rotate
- Ability to add CLEM
- Acc. Voltage: 5, 10, 15kV
- Current: 4 mode
- Magnification: x10 – 100,000 true column magnification (not digital)
- Vacuum: 3 mode (<10Pa, 30Pa, 50Pa)
- Low Vac Secondary Electron detector for low-vac SE imaging. This allows for SE imaging and/or EDS without any need for coating.
- System employs an integrated solid state, 4-quadrant high-sensitivity Backscatter Electron Detector (BSE) with ability to turn of quadrants to create a shadow on the sample better exposing fine cracks and fractures. It also gives a true 3D effect as topography is created through direct imaging (i.e., not image manipulation).
- The ability to mix both UV/SE and BSE imaging.
- Uses a standard PC (not a closed computer control system) that allows for the addition of any other software such as Photoshop, etc. And allows for upgrading at a later date. No software licensing needed.
- An integrated charge up reduction mode that works automatically when the system detects charging. This is not an optional accessory but a fully integrated system by design that eliminates charging as it occurs by changing the chamber pressure.
- Filaments that are easily changed out by the user within 10 minutes. Critical for uptime without the need for costly and shipping of the instrument when a filament needs changing.
- Low and Hi vac modes with the simple button if one wished to control manually.
- The system is portable and ready to use as soon as it's plugged in. No lengthy pre-vac time required.